According to the lunar calendar, we will be bidding goodbye to the Year of the Rat, and ushering in the Year of the Ox soon. With Li Chun (also known as the “Beginning of Spring”) falling on 3 February 2021, most Chinese communities around the world will be celebrating Chinese New Year from 12 February 2021 onwards.
Last year, it was the Year of the Metal Rat and it symbolises new beginnings and transitions. Sure enough, we have seen a fair bit of turmoil, upheavals, and new opportunities in the midst. In 2021, otherwise known as the Year of the Metal Ox, the year emphasises how success can only be achieved when you work very, very hard.
Read on to find out the 12 zodiac animal forecast for the year in the Year of the Metal Ox, according to famous Feng Shui Master Dato’ Joey Yap.
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This year, you will be center stage. 2021 is a great opportunity for you to stand in the limelight and build a connection with those who surround you, especially at work. However, this can only be made real if you have something to bring to the table. To manifest this, you’d have to focus all your energy on unique skillsets or knowledge which you can share with the world.
On the flip side, you may face some breakdowns in communication, which may impact your personal brand and reputation. Furthermore, there may be instances when your plans get disrupted by unforeseen circumstances. The best thing you can do during those moments is to focus on your goals, pay the naysayers as well as the white noise around you no attention. When the voices of petty people get louder inside your own head, you may face stress and depression.

This year is a great year for Tigers to meet new people. It is a year for great romantic aspirations and there will be loads of favorable interactions. If you’re single, this will work well in your favor. If you are not, 2021 will present opportunities to strengthen the relationship you’re in. Above all else, be brave.
Career wise, new doors will open up, but things can only flourish if you let them. Don’t be afraid to welcome new opportunities, and prosperity will follow closely behind. Helping others willingly will allow people to lean into the wisdom you possess. Conversely, be sure to ask for help whenever you need. Remember no man is an island. With the right people in your corner, you will be so much closer to attaining all your goals.
Nevertheless, for every up, there is a down; you could find yourself surrounded by loneliness as well as isolation from both friends and family. On achieving your goals, find the motivation to keep yourself interested because you may be feeling a loss of passion toward them.
For business owners, pay close attention to fraud or theft; be extra careful. Health wise, avoid overindulging in rich foods and do maintain a healthy lifestyle.

This year could very well be a challenging year for you, Rabbits. What you should be doing is to focus on giving back to others. It is a unique year ahead and in terms of travelling, be sure to have all your travel documentation ready.
There is also a high risk of you being caught in a hurricane, a storm, a flooding or any natural disasters. Do be thrifty and check ahead of time and have a back-up plan, if possible.
Help the elderly and lend a hand to those who need it more than you, for the feeling of satisfaction will be like no other. It may not be evident right now, but eventually, you will see it.
You may also be plagued with sickness this year, or potentially lose someone who matters. Which is why it is crucial for you to work on self-care and emotional resilience as a means to brave the storm. On top of that, you may find yourself fighting off people who live to find faults in your actions. They may even start unfounded rumors. This may challenge you emotionally as well as mentally, but you should focus on moving on with your life.
Remember: Those who matter, won’t mind, and those who mind, don’t matter.

For those born in the Year of the Dragon, you may expect wealth and prosperity in the coming year. It may come from unexpected places and from the females of your circle. If you have ever wanted to pursue something but held back for some reason or other, this is your year. Go all out and achieve whatever you need to achieve. Courage and strength will come to those who believe.
Nonetheless, there may be something standing in your way, some demons from the past if you will. They will come forth and claim what you owe them, so your best move would be to get ahead of the problem and solve it before it festers. Don’t be tempted by intriguing deals. If your instinct is warning you otherwise, trust it.
You will also need to find a better way to deal with stress this year, before it drags you all the way to the ground. Managing your emotions is a skill, master it. There will also be gossips trying to make their way to you. Avoid those who gossip at all costs, because people who gossip to you are most likely going to gossip about you.

You snake-folks need not worry, for under the year of the Ox, you will find things become easier than you thought possible, especially at work. Keep an eye out, for there could be opportunities for a promotion, which could mean more authority and a climb in remuneration, especially if your superior is a male who trusts you with responsibilities. Your new role will bear good fruits, but only with the help of someone of authority. You may have been overlooked before, but with the right guidance and on the right path, you will be able to leap right to the front line.
Those running businesses will be able to see an expansion and better increase in profits, but only if you have brought the lessons you learnt in 2020 with you into 2021, as a means to improve, gain new knowledge and boost your business.
However, this year does come with its fair share of problems. For instance, when pushed to a corner, you could find yourself suspicious of those around you. You may also be a little emotional and maybe even volatile. The best way around this would be to avoid these situations completely. Instead, opt to practice mindfulness, inner healing, and try to maintain a more far-sighted view of the world/self.

2021 will be a good year for horse signs. You will feel both blessed and lucky because most of your endeavors will see fruition. At instances where you feel stuck or lost, you will be able to find solace in the assistance of others, so do not be afraid to ask for help when you need it. If you have a large project or personal goal which hasn’t reached where you need it to be, then this is the year to put things into full gear and step on it. You could also consider finding a business partner through your new ventures, preferably one who complements you and your talents.
Besides that, all problems faced this year, or ones which you so happened to have brought forward from last year, will magically be resolved because of all the positive energy surrounding you. Be sure to tap into that as much as possible. Taking the initiative to resolve problems as best as you can will definitely help when dealing with customers and employees.
Keep in mind though, that you will need to be extra careful this year with money and how you use that money. You may feel a little risqué with cash, but if you’re not careful, you could be swindled, cheated or overspend in ways more than necessary. What you could do is to invest because the outflow of money could see a lump sum of a return in the near future.
On the front of your health, things may not look so good. There is a possibility of respiratory issues, so it’d be wise to take early note of it.
Romance wise, committed relationships could find unexpected attention from a third party. During this time, it would be smart of you to understand that short term flings mean nothing, and can ruin a good relationship if you let it. Proceed with caution.

This year, you will be granted the gift of problem solving. Where others find problems, you find a way to overcome those problems with ease. Keep your eyes peeled for those willing to help you during dark days. This is also a year where property investment opportunities and grand deals may come knocking at your door. If you find yourself financially capable, be sure to take what you can get.
However, be sure to look after the feelings of others and not offend anyone this year. There are high chances they could take it to heart, hold a grudge against you, and make your life a living hell. It would be best for you to say as little as possible when you’re surrounded with sensitive people.
2021 is a year of great transformation, as many life changes lie ahead of you. If these changes are seen through positive lenses, they can be beneficial instead of gruesome. Also consider acquire large assets this year, as they could deliver outsized results in the long run. Nevertheless, they would require big investments.

This year can seem especially trying for Monkeys, as there may be plenty of problems coming their way. But you will also come to realize that the one super power you’ve had with you all this time, is the ability to turn a frown upside down. Your positivity is mostly the cause, so carry it with you throughout the year. This will invite others to view you as their go-to problem solver. Due to this newfound status, many will look to you for guidance and support, so step up and claim your leadership throne. If you fail though, you could end up feeling lonely and isolated. The Year of the Ox is a year which you will find the things and people who make you feel content. Focus on all these relationships, which may bring you happiness, and take on any adventure which will bring fulfillment as well as joy.
This year could also be the year you forget a lot more than you should, whether that may be details or events. Easily resolved with technology, it’d be best to get a jump start on this matter, before it worsens. Those born in the year of Monkeys could possibly be faced with numerous ups and downs, which may be due to sudden changes. It could throw you off your game, but so long as you take a moment to pause, reframe and strategize you will be back up on your feet in no time at all.

2021 is your year of growth as opportunities will come rolling in all year long. Whether it is taking on a new job or an added responsibility, money will just keep flowing in. It will also be easy to stage a turnaround in businesses as people come to your aid. For you corporate climbers, this is the time to rise up through the ranks. You need to willingly manage a team, and your leadership qualities will shine through.
With regards to health, it’d be best for you to turn to medical treatment, if you have been facing health issues. It may feel sort of stressful and unbearable but, in the long run, this is the right move to make. Besides that, for your personal brand, attempt your hand at social media and don’t be afraid to be radical. The approach and method could feel scary, but the benefits are exemplary.
On the flipside though, be extra aware of accidents when doing sports or just generally from being careless of your surroundings. Avoid dangerous situations and extreme activities, maybe save those for 2022. You could also find yourself being rather fickle minded. As a means to gain more clarity from confusing situations, go seek help and guidance from friends.

If you were born under the sign of the Dog, then this year is one fortunate year for you. It is as if heaven is shining down on you throughout the year, with great food, great company and great events. The catch though, you can’t wait for it to happen to you. Instead, you have to go out there and make it happen for yourself. Organize ways to truly connect and bond with your loved ones. You have to create memories as you go about in life, and that can only be done with initiative. All the best events would be more memorable in the Year of the Ox. When faced with dark clouds, all you need to do is look over your shoulder to find all the support you ever needed amongst your family, friends and colleagues. Professionally, look to take on bigger roles and demand a higher pay at your place of work.
The only downside to your year is that you could possibly be faced with disputes or disagreements. The best solution during this time is to remove any kinks before starting something new. It would also be wise if you get the details down in black and white to avoid any further complications in the future. For men, your words could offend females this year, so take this time during this year, to re-evaluate the things you say to others.

You could be travelling a whole lot this coming year, especially for career, educational or personal purposes. This is a good thing and could certainly help you grow and attain more money. Consider stepping outside your own country or territory and also venturing into online businesses for greater growth. If you have been thinking about starting an online business, then this is the year to put your money where your mouth is. Get serious, work out the business plans and kickstart your venture. Even travelling just for the very aspect of travelling will open up some avenues to financial opportunities, so go ahead and take your long-postponed holidays this year.
In terms of injuries, pig signs don’t have to worry about it this year, as there will only possibly be minor surgeries, cuts and bruises. If you happen to have been putting off elective surgeries like laser-eye, or minor operations, this would be a good year to get it done. There will be no life-threatening circumstances in 2021, but generally it would be best to avoid situations which could pose the risk of bodily injuries.

The Rat sign will be given the ability to connect with those of higher authority, whether it may be in getting the support of government officials or receiving permit and project approvals. This skill will prove worthy in the workplace. Use it to get ahead by initiating new projects, as your bosses will be more agreeable in the Year of the Ox. It will help you get noticed. Besides that, use your energy to pick up some new skills along the way, especially those which will help increase wealth or solve problems. Assuming the role of a leader can also help enhance your skillset. Your wealth luck is strong this year, so do not be afraid to attain more responsibilities at work and get some assets as well. If you so happen to already be in possession of assets, think of ways to increase their values and capitalize on them.
Unfortunately, though, this year wouldn’t be too great for rat signs, in terms of health. As a matter of fact, a detox regime and a wellness retreat at the beginning of this year is very much recommended. Also, be sure to frequently go for check-ups. On top of that, many issues may also affect both your mental and emotional health this year as well. To aid with this, attempt yoga and meditation, as a means to get your anxiety under control. Some key points for the year would be to let go of anything which comes that does not bring joy, and if you’re ever faced with a situation to choose between anger or forgiveness, always choose forgiveness.
Readings courtesy of Dato’ Joey Yap.
Joey Yap is the founder of the Mastery Academy of Chinese Metaphysics and Chief Consultant of the Joey Yap Consulting Group. He is the world’s foremost authority in Chinese Metaphysics and a prolific author of 182 books and counting.
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